Since our warehouse is closed in Ukraine, for now most of our package are shipped from United States.
We DO NOT SHIP to Russia and Belarus.
Please allow 3 days for jewelry pieces to be made before shipment.
The fee is: Free.
Once an item is shipped, we are no longer responsible. We do not refund for packages lost in transit. We are unable to refund or replace stolen packages or any un-retrieved packages that have been confirmed as delivered.
The fee is: Free
Shipping is done by USPS, please note once the parcel leaves the United States it is then transferred to your governments postal service Duties and taxes are NOT included in the total at check out.
Our prices are not inclusive of any taxation or customs charges you may be liable for on your packages entry into your country. Please refer to your country's government website for more information. Once your parcel has reached the country from where the order was made we will no longer be able to provide status changes or tracking information.
Please ensure your delivery address is correct and secure: We are not responsible for items not received due to an incorrect or an incomplete shipping address. Items marked undeliverable due to an incorrect shipping address will be reissued if and when they are received back and will incur a re-shipping fee.
Pieces may appear differently from the items shown online (due to natural of natural pearls and rocks).
Lost Packages : If your package gets lost in transit, we will do everything we possibly can to assist you. We are not responsible for packages once proof of delivery is generated.